Sunday 6 May 2007

Welcome to my very first post

Hello all fellow players on this wonderful world of URU.

I have decided to, with the help of my very wonderful husband, to start up a fun blog.

This is for fun and laughter and communication on any topic providing it not to serious or anything technical. I myself am a technophobic, but adore this imaginary world and spend hours running here there and anywhere just for fun.

I meet and talk to all sorts of folks men and women alike. There are lots of visitors who are happy to help and assist you when things are a little complicated.

My blog is like a newspaper you can if you wish send me a funny thing that happened to you or a wish list of what you would wish for in URU. Maybe you have a nice or funny story of something that has happened to you or your friends within URU of course.

I myself am a little disabled and have spoken to many players who cannot run and jump in real life. But in this special life of URU anything or almost anything is possible.

Email me a story, comment or you can write a little something for (Mad) Vanda's Goings on in URU. I cannot promise to put it in print but I probably will.